Women's Ministries

Our Ladies gather the first Sunday of each month following service for lunch!

It has become a community of like minded sisters in Christ that we all value and would love to have you join us and be apart of an amazing group of ladies who simply love!

If you would like to know when we are meeting be sure to join our Hosanna Church Page where updates are posted!  Check out our Events Page!

Our Women's Director RaChel Ryba would love to connect with you before an event as well if you would like to meet one of us before attending!

Men's Ministries

Men's Group is up and running!  Excited to meet you!

Bro Barney Scarborough our Men's Director would love to meet you!

I'm The One Youth Ministry
Youth Group Ages 6th - 12th Grades

We Meet Each Sunday Evening at 6PM

*following Youth Camp this summer this will change to Wednesday nights*

Oklahoma Youth Ministries
Birth to PreK

Our Toddler class is located in our Main Builidng just off the Sanctuary.  

Our littles are Birth to PreK with some amazing Teachers!

- Trudy Suit, Leader

Small Groups
Find your Community! We have three (3) groups running on Sundays and Tuesdays in three different towns! Be sure to pick which one is right for you!

Stillwater, Perkins and Morrison.

Wednesday Nights Kids
Kicks off this Summer Following Camps

We will be pausing our Kids Ministries beginning the first Sunday of April as we have sold our Kids Building.  We are beginning a new Church Project on our North Side that will include keeping our Children on the same side of the street as our Worship Center.

Children's Pastors Jakob & Alyssa Mathis Email: childrenspastors@stillwaterhosanna.org

We will be pausing our Kids Ministries beginning the first Sunday of April as we have sold our Kids Building.  We are beginning a new Church Project on our North Side that will include keeping our Children on the same side of the street as our Worship Center.